
Pastor Jordan Newberry

Jordan was born in Birmingham, Alabama, moving to Austin, Texas at the age of sixteen. He grew up with wonderful Christian parents that went to church regularly and made sure that he did as well. He prayed to receive Christ at 6 years of age. However, Christ was not the focus of his life on a daily basis. Jordan is confident that he was saved at this point because he could no longer enjoy sin - even when he tried - but he had not yet touched the holiness of God.

God would use the move to Texas in order to draw Jordan closer to Himself. God used some difficult times in his teenage years to help him hit a low point where he called out to God.  

Shortly thereafter Jordan began attending the youth group at New Life Baptist Church in Pflugerville, TX just north of Austin. He experienced a deeper level of worship than he had ever encountered when he did. It was at this time that he knew God was to be treasured above all things! He realized that his life and priorities would have to change drastically because of that truth. It was at that time that Jordan truly submitted to the Lord as the focus of his life! Things began to fall into place and have a sense of purpose for him. He had encountered the presence and holiness of God; his life was changed.

He attended Criswell College in Dallas, TX after feeling that God had called him to ministry. It was at Criswell that he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies with a Minor in Pastoral Ministry. He would then continue his biblical education at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary located in Wake Forest, NC where he received his Advanced Masters of Divinity Degree.

Jordan has been married to his wonderful wife Chauncey for seven years and they have two children. Selah is three years old and Isaiah is two years old. 

His hobbies include spending time with his wife and kids (preferably at the beach), watching the Alabama Crimson Tide, reading, and drinking coffee.